1. Before updating the DAU Firmware, ensure the DCP is also on the latest firmware. A guide to do this can be found here: https://avireglobal.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/44002150881?lang=en
  2. Check firmware and DAU Model: pin1234,p103?
  3. After identifying the device send:

    DAB10 / DAT11: Pin1234,P0502,devhub.avire-global.com/assets/firm/mk891/MK-891-00_v2.20.005.bin

    DAT18: Pin1234,P0502,devhub.avire-global.com/assets/firm/mk891/MK-891-TOC_v2.20.bin

    AUS DAU: Pin1234,P0502,devhub.avire-global.com/assets/firm/mk891/MK-891-20_v2.19_006.bin


  4. Wait 5 minutes then send: Pin1234,p103?
    Confirm the firmware version is v2.20